Health Action Council’s IN-VALUE-ABLE 2021 Conference

Date: January 28, 2021 - January 28, 2021
Location: Virtual
Coriell Leaders:

Medications don’t work for everyone. Nearly a third of U.S. adults take five or more prescription drugs and, even when taken correctly, they can be dangerous for many. Payers, providers, and patients bear the financial and physical burdens of inappropriate, ineffective drugs. Each year, medication errors lead to 128,000 deaths and the costs of medication-associated errors exceed $40 billion in the United States. 

Self-insured employers and other at-risk payers face skyrocketing healthcare costs for employees and their families. Downstream costs including hospitalization, primary care visits, and overall use of the healthcare system greatly expand when upstream treatment plans are ineffective. Sick employees and caregivers are less engaged in their work and the rate of absenteeism grows.  

The cost of getting medications wrong reverberates through the healthcare service model and echoes back as wasted resources, time, and poor health.

For many medications, successful treatment is directly related to the DNA of the patient. Natural variation in our genetic code can cause the same drug to produce wildly different effects on different people. The science of pharmacogenomics (PGx) can now assist in assessing how each person will respond to medications, but DNA testing alone is not sufficient.

Corigen, Coriell Life Sciences’ (CLS) population-scale medication risk management program, CorigenTM, equips our clients with a comprehensive and scalable precision medicine offering for their member populations. Members benefit from lessened medication risk and increased overall health while organizations realize reduced healthcare costs.

CLS leverages the power of precision medicine to deliver effective solutions for payers, providers, and patients. Corigen is a turnkey, scalable precision prescribing program made up of four key services:

  1. Population Analytics: “Will this program benefit our members?”
  2. Patient Engagement: Fully-coordinated education and enrollment 
  3. Genetic Testing: Cost-effective, comprehensive, HIPAA-regulated DNA testing by CLIA-licensed laboratories    
  4. Pharmacy MTM Review: Clear, actionable recommendations via Medication Action Plan (MAP)